I’m Amin Charoliya
Front-end Developer
Experienced Front End Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. Skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React js, Next js and WordPress.

Linear and Binary algorithms in JavaScript
Linear and binary algorithms are two of the most commonly used algorithms in computer programming. They are used to solve a variety of problems
JavaScript Classes - with code examples
JavaScript class provide a much simpler and clearer syntax for creating objects and dealing with inheritance
CSS :has() pseudo-class selector
The :has() selector is a CSS pseudo-class that allows a developer to apply styles to an element based on whether it contains another element or not
People I've worked with have said some nice things...
Work History
Places where I've worked troughout my career...
Front End Developer
Sr. Front End Developer
Conversion Bug
Sr. Software Developer
Sr. Front End Developer
Team Lead Front End
Sr. Front End Developer